Welcome to Neutra Elementary School
R.J. Neutra School's mission is, “Move into the future, but treasure our heritage.” With this as our mission, we have made a commitment to provide the best educational program possible for our students. The excellent quality of our program is a reflection of our highly committed staff.
The staff, in partnership with parents, will work toward effectively preparing our children to live in the world as it will exist in the future. We believe that much of the work our children will do in the twenty-first century is not yet determined. We strive, therefore, to prepare children to be lifelong learners, to think critically, to be problem solvers, and to learn from past experiences. The staff and parents envision Neutra School as

a place of growth for the total child: intellectual, emotional, social, ethical, and physical. Our school is where individual needs are recognized so that every student may experience success within an atmosphere of warmth, mutual respect, and caring. We monitor, adjust, and thus increase student achievement.
We renew this commitment yearly in hopes that together, we will continue to improve our effectiveness in edifying students of today, preparing them to become productive citizens of tomorrow. It is in light of this fact, that we welcome any suggestions, ideas, or comments you may have. Parents can contact us at 998-6823 or through our home page address neutra.central.k12.ca.us.