Welcome to Room 17's Website
Hello and thanks for stopping by our class website. I’m looking forward to working with your children and you as we do all we can to start your children off with all the best we can offer them! This is an important opportunity for us to help your children learn that their education is a top priority for their lives. I hope you will speak of school’s importance at home.
A little about me… I was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area and have enjoyed raising my family here in the Central Valley where I’ve lived for over 30 years. Prior to living in the Lemoore area, I received my bachelor’s from UC Davis. I then completed my credential through Chapman University here at NAS Lemoore. I've had the pleasure of teaching in grades K-6 since the late 1980's. My husband and I keep busy with activities that involve our extended family up and down the state including our three adult daughters.
Wednesdays P.E: (10:15-10:45) This year we will be having P.E. with Coach Elia on Wednesdays, so be sure your children are dressed appropriately.
Thursdays Library: ( 10-10:30) No library books will travel home, though you are welcome to check books out before and after school any time that you can take home. Just stop in the office on your way to the library please.
Fridays Music: (10:05-10:50) Your children are going to be treated to 45 minutes each week with Mr. Rickard in music class.
The California Standards are driving everything we are doing in class. Click on the link below to become more familiar with them.
California State Standards