Neutra Elementary

Akers School Modernization

Akers School Modernization
Posted on 10/28/2019
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  Parent Letter Print Version
Akers Schematic Package


January 27, 2019

Dear Parents and Community Members, 

The long-awaited school construction, renovation, and modernization project at Admiral Akers School is ready to begin. The process of getting to this point has been lengthy and has included designing the plan, addressing all areas of the Federal facilities report, and securing funding both from the Federal and State Government. The majority of the funding for this project is supported by the Federal Government, $29 million. The District was also able to secure close to $6.9 million in state funding toward the overall budget estimated cost of $37 million. District funds will be a small percentage toward this project.

Akers Event Center


The Akers project touches all aspects of the campus. The District will construct and modernize the campus consistent with the designs and project scope which includes construction of a new 14 classroom junior high school wing, a new multipurpose event center, enhancing site infrastructure, and modernizing existing facilities such as new blacktop area, expanded parking lot, and relocation of the central office. Starting on February 4, 2019, you will begin to see the initial staging of the construction zones. Due to the extensive work of this project, the project timeline covers a 27 month period and will cross over two school years.

To accommodate the various construction phases, and the need to move classrooms during certain points in the year as construction proceeds, it will be necessary to relocate an entire grade level for the 2019-2020 and the 2020-2021 school years. The decision was made to have Neutra school absorb one of our grade levels so that space to handle the various movement of students around the campus during the time that one phase of the project completes and the next phase begins. The selected grade level which will be housed at Neutra for the 2019-2020 and the 2020-2021 school years will be 2nd grade.

Jr High Wing

Jr. High Wing

Safety and security for students and staff during construction is our top priority. Our message to students is, “stay away and stay safe.” Faculty and staff will help convey this to students. You can help by reinforcing this message at home. The construction area will be separated from the rest of the school by fences or construction walls that are marked with warning signs. Workers will have separate entrances/exits for the construction area. There will be no reason for faculty or students to interact with the workers.

We are committed to communicating with you regularly during construction. Weekly meetings with the construction company and project manager are scheduled, and updates to the community will be forthcoming so that you can know of the construction activities that will affect you and your student in the upcoming weeks.

To provide you with an idea of the overall project, the schematic drawings of the construction project will be posted on the Akers Website.

Thank you for your partnership and your understanding during this project.

Electronic Signature

Akers Construction1

Akers Construction 2
Akers Construction 2

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