Neutra Elementary

Mrs. Ramos - Second Grade

Mrs. Ramos was born at the Naval Air Station in Lemoore, California. She attended Akers school before her father retired from the Navy and then her family moved into town. She graduated from Lemoore High School and continued her education at College of the Sequoias in Visalia, California receiving her associate of arts degree in Social Science. She has a bachelor of arts degree in Liberal Studies and holds a multi-subject teaching credential from Chapman University. Mrs. Ramos also received a masters degree in education with emphasis in reading/language arts in December of 2000, she also received a reading specialist credential at the same time. She has been teaching at Neutra since 1994. She makes her home with her husband in native Lemoore.

Second Grade:  Room 8


Homework Policy


The types of homework given in my class are Reading, Math,Spelling and Handwriting. Homework is given as an extension of the concepts introduced in class. Each student has the responsibility of completing classwork during the school day, if not completed it is assigned as homework and needs to be returned the following day along with the homework assignment for that day. Homework will be assigned Mon. –Thurs. All homework is due daily. Homework sheet that will be sent home every Monday with assignments listed for the week along with a separate sheet with the spelling words for the week. A parent signature is required on the homework sheet to be turned in every Friday.


Classroom Rules


The rules of my classroom are very simple:

            Keep hands,feet and objects to yourself

            Followdirections the first time given

            Completeall assignments on time

            Raise yourhand and please wait to be called on before you speak

            Use“indoor” voices in the classroom


I tend to reward students who choose to follow the rulesinstead of calling attention to those who choose not to. I have positiverewards for those students such as stickers for their desk sticker chart, goodbehavior grade on their weekly homework sheet, Student of the Month, KestrelAward, and FUN FRIDAY time.


I use the “FRIDAY” pull a letter system for behavior.The students are given the strip of letters reading FRIDAY every Monday. If your child breaks a rule they are first given a warning. Your child’s weekly citizenship grade will be on their homework sheet that is sent homeevery Monday. If they lose all letters by Friday they will not participate in FUN FRIDAY activities at the end of the day on Friday. Also, a letter will be removed if homework is not returned daily.


Thank you, Mrs. Ramos


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