Neutra Elementary

Tips For A Happy Kindergartener

Welcome to Kindergarten!

1. Our class hours are 8:00-2:10 (8-1:00 on Mondays). Try to send your child so that he/she arrives at least five minutes before class time. When children arrive, they are to walk down the sidewalk to the kindergarten playground. 

2. Send your child to school in clothes for active learning.

3. Print names on all clothing that your child might take off at school.

4. Please keep your child home when he/she is ill. He/she will recover more quickly and will not infect others. When returning from an absence, your child must have a note.

5. Occasionally your child will bring home duplicated notes about special class activities or information from the principal. Please read them! Please check your childs folder for notes, behavior  and homework daily-including Friday.

6. Mothers and fathers are wanted and needed to help in class. You must first attend a Volunteer Training session (`20 min). Please see me after you have attended and sign up for a weekly hour of fun. If you cannot help regularly, you can make arrangements with your child's teacher to help for a day that is beneficial to all. Plan to visit the classroom at least twice during the year.

7. We will request a conference concerning your child at the end of the first trimester (just before Thanksgiving) and possibly other times during the year. Any time you have a question or need a conference, feel free to call for an appointment. You will need to leave your name and phone number.

We have an academic program. Your child will learn:

counting to 100 
writing to 20
name printing
alphabet letters & sounds
addition and subtraction to & from 10
write simple sentences and stories

Some other things your child will study:

school helpers
safety rules
social skills
neighbors at home, in the community, and in other countries
weather and seasonal facts
holidays and celebrations

The magical age of five is a time of wonder and questions, a time of curiosity and getting into things. It is energy beyond belief, a time of quick sorrow and much laughter.

Some of our general objectives for the children are that they will learn:

to follow instructions
to express themselves creatively
to care for their own needs
to cooperate with their teachers and playmates
to be helpers
to be good citizens

In addition to food, shelter, and clothing, people need fun, success, and love. So laugh with your child every day, tell him/her that you like something he/she has done, and tell your child that you love him/her every day.




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